Sunday, November 15, 2009

Malacatos Market Day

Today, I ventured to the next town's market day - every Sunday.

I jogged down to meet Jack and Julia at the end of their road where it meets the main road and flagged down the next bus; they come every 15 minutes or so:  $0.40

We got dropped off in their center square and we went down to the streets where the vendors and farmers were hawking their goods and foods, reminding me of Boston in the 70's when my aunto would take into Fenway and the vendors were shouting, "peanuts, cashews, balloons... quarrrrterrr, quarrrterrr!"

While their were some things we stay away form down here because they are definitely sprayed, the majority is fresh and organic... smaller than in the states, as most organic produce is, but also because of the sun exposure. Here, there are some vegetables that simply require that whacky change in the amount of sunlight as well as the exposure to the time of day. In other words, where our Northeastern exposure for summer gradually gains daylight and the sun starts increasingly early, then peaks and wanes providing a more appropriate exposure for certain vegetables: potatoes and onions and corn are among the few that require this in order to fully form. So these veggies are much smaller - better tasting, but much smaller.

I purchased 1.1xx lbs of some sea bass: $1.25
3 lbs of oranges, 15 sweet lemons, 2 lbs of limons, 4 lbs of ripe tomatoes for sauce, 3 small red onions, 1 lb of green onion with big bulbs, a pineapple, 4 ripe mangoes, a head each of iceberg, broccoli and cauliflower, 1 lb of peppers, 4 lbs of sweet potatoes and finally, 2 cukes: approx. $15

The most expensive things were the medium-sized bucket with cover: $5
heavy duty woven plastic bag with handles: $5
3 medium-sized screw on plastic containers: $3 total

The ride home in the taxi truck was a bit more: my share $3

Now I need a siesta. Caio.

1 comment:

  1. was "pee-NOTS, bah-LOOONS, ka-SHOOS...KWATAH, KWATAH, KWATAH!"
